Server Rules

This page contains all the rules that you must follow in order to roleplay in Raven City Roleplay. Everyone must follow these rules, there are no exceptions.

  1. Don't be a dick.
    This is our number one rule. The team reserve the right to remove or ban anyone from the server at any time, without warning, if they feel it is necessary to do so; usually if they are found to be being disruptive or breaking rules.
  2. If you are banned from the discord or the server, you are not permitted to return under another discord account.
  3. The team reserve the right to act on a case by case basis when completing their admin duties. The decision of the team is final.
  4. You must be over 18 to play.
  5. It is mandatory for you to be a part of the discord in order to roleplay.
    The discord is used to allowlist members after successful application, and to communicate with the server members.
  6. Any third party mods, software, exploits or hacks are not permitted
  7. TheRPC Servers are english speaking
  8. Be respectful to each other and the team
    Members of the server must be respectful and considerate towards each other and all members of the moderation team. All forms of bullying, harassment, trolling, racism, homophobia, religious hate, discrimination (i.e. gender, disabilities, etc) and offensive language are prohibited. This will be dealt with accordingly and based upon the severity of the case.
  9. Any music played must be DMCA-free.
  10. Report all bugs/faults found
    Report bugs and faults via the Discord ticketing system. Please provide as much evidence as possible, for example; logs, screenshots, or videos/clips.
  11. Advertising another server in any capacity is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in an immediate ban
    Any negative talk towards other communities and servers will also result you in a warning or ban, depending on the severity of the situation.
  12. A clear and working microphone is essential to play.
  13. Play your character!
    This is a place where people come to play characters. Try to remember that the things said by someone's character, doesn't directly reflect who they are as a person and usually disagreements can be resolved through a simple message. We always encourage people to continue the RP, however if something starts to become too much, contact an admin. Keep everything in RP as much as possible. Everybody RPs differently. Don’t dictate how someone else should roleplay just because it wouldn't be your chosen response to the situation. If you aren't a fan of something, walk away.
  14. Do not go OOC
    If someone is breaking character in front of you, and it is ruining the immersion for you, try and resolve the situation within the RP, by trying to steer the conversation in a different direction, or act dumb about the topic they are discussing. As always, you always have the option to remove yourself from the situation. If this persists, please report.
  15. You may have more than one character
    You should explore different RP avenues for each character and not be involved in the same gangs. You are limited to 3 character slots, you cannot delete and recreate the same character. While oneshots are encourage and welcomed, ensure that any character brought in is bringing roleplay to other players, is unique in comparison to your other character and you follow the metagaming rules.
  16. There are a number of RP storylines and characters which are not permitted.
    These include; vigilante RP, racism, beastiality, rape, bullying, harassment, suicide. Any political, celebrity, or trademark character names are also not permitted. Religious RP, names and personalities are not allowed. For example, Jesus, Satan, etc.
  17. You are strictly not allowed to move assets, money or items between your characters.
  18. Compensation requires evidence.
    If you've lost items, money or anything else, you must provide evidence of it's previous existence for any compensation to be awarded. If putting important items in your pocket, trunk or storage, make sure you either take screenshots of the inventory, or have some form of screen recording (e.g Medal) to prove you had that item.
  19. New Life Rule
    If you have been revived by an medic/NPC-Doc, your character is allowed to keep their memories. If you respawn by holding "E" , then you are not allowed to retain the memories leading up to the event and your character must be clueless as to what has happened to them.
  20. Ocean Dumping
    Dumping - Dumping a body in the ocean or a body of water, or any other place where the medic wouldn't be able to rescue the person, is only to be used in Gang Wars or if there is an on going situation between two characters. Dumping someone you have just met and had a slight disagreement with is not allowed under any circumstance. An ocean dump should be a way to bring a big end to a storyline. It has to be the final moment and the rivalry should cease there.
  21. Do not RDM/VDM (Random Deathmatch/Vehicle Deathmatch)
    Randomly assaulting or killing fellow players without a justifiable in-game motive is strictly prohibited. This includes running players over with vehicles for no reason. Any PvP encounters should be built up over time, and have a justifiable in-character reason.
  22. Do not Metagame
    Information you’ve gained out of character cannot be used in RP. This includes information from Discord, Twitch, or any other methods. If your character doesn't know it, then don't use it. The use of live streams such as Twitch to gain outside knowledge that your character will not know is prohibited, this includes watching live streams/vods to learn information about other characters or locations and using that information in city. Stream sniping (actively watching a stream to gain an advantage or acting on information gained) is considered as meta gaming and is punishable as such.

    We appreciate you showing support to those who stream the server but if an accusation of meta comes in while you are in the stream chat, it will be actioned accordingly.
  23. No Powergaming
    Powergaming, such as abusing game mechanics, trolling, police baiting, or performing any abusing actions to gain an advantage is strictly prohibited.
  24. No Fail RP
    FailRP, such as abusing game mechanics, powergaming, using Voice ID, carrying more people than will fit in a vehicle is strictly prohibited. Returning to a scene where you have already been downed etc. Ensure you are attempting to roleplay your injuries.
  25. Combat Logging
    Quitting the game e.g. Combat logging, to avoid an interaction or losing your items/money is strictly not allowed. This could result in a ban if it occurs; situation dependant.
    If a combat log occurs for any reason, you must choose your 'last location' as your respawn point, to continue the RP.
  26. Third Party Intervention
    Heist Crime - If the group has a hostage and are out of the vehicle on the location of the heist, other citizens or criminal groups cannot attempt to interfere with the original group who initiated the heist.
    Non-Heist Crime - 3rd partying is allowed for non-heist crime, as long as the police are not present.
  27. Value your life, and the life of others.
    Treat your character's life as you would your own. Don't put your life at risk unless absolutely necessary. If your character is put into a fearful situation (such as being taken hostage) then this should reflect in your RP. Being a hero can sometimes put others’ lives in danger, you must value the lives of other players. Similarly, if you're not involved in a criminal RP (e.g a police chase), don't involve yourself.
  28. Criminal activity and numbers.
    A maximum of four individuals in a single group can partake in Hostile / Criminal Activities. Whilst you may have more than four people on your roster, this includes planning and organizing multiple crimes at the same time with more than 4 people from the same organization. If you are participating in a prison break, or Pacific Bank heists, then your group may contain up to six players. Please be realistic when performing any criminal activities. Excessive chaining of heists is not permitted and you must not perform any heists 15 minutes before or after a tsunami.
  29. Hostages
    Anyone taken hostage must not be a willing participant. Both parties will be considered to be at fault should this be found to be the case. Hostages should not be taken from any hospital, and should not be taken from a place of work, if in uniform. Police can be taken hostage to enable an RP story to progress, but should not be taken to commit crimes such as stores & banks etc. There is no fixed time limit that you can hold a hostage for. As a hostage taker, it is your responsibility to ensure your hostages are kept healthy. On-Duty SAFM (EMS) cannot be taken hostage. In line with our gameplay rules and to ensure fairness and immersive roleplay, NPC hostages are permitted only for use in store-related robberies (e.g., gas stations, convenience stores). They cannot be utilized for other types of heists such as banks, jewellery stores, or other large-scale operations. This helps maintain a balanced and realistic experience for all players.
  30. No Forced RP
    Forcing a player into a situation they may not feel comfortable with is strictly prohibited. You should always be open minded to allow a player to exit an RP scene if they feel uncomfortable. Forcing injuries or death against other players is strictly prohibited.
  31. Robbing and Stealing
    Robbing Items from another player should only be completed when it allows you to continue your RP progression. Pocket Wiping (the act of stealing all of a player’s items) should be avoided. The robbing of EMS staff or their vehicle contents is strictly prohibited. Any robbing of police should be as part of an RP scenario and not just loot boxing for weapons. You can steal any police issued equipment including weapons. You can also steal any evidence carried by an officer or in their vehicle.
  32. Strictly NO erotic, suicide, terrorism, rape, pregnancy
  33. You cannot force another to withdraw money
    You cannot force another to withdraw any money from their personal or business accounts.
  34. Helicopters/planes are restricted
    The use of helicopters or jets is off-limits without a pilot license.
  35. No-conflict zones
    The grounds of any hospital are designated as no-conflict zones. No conflict should be initiated here, however if roleplay is naturally brought towards the hospital through a PD escort for example or an attempted breakout scene then conflict is allowed.
  36. Police Baiting and Emergency Vehicles
    You should not intentionally provoke or engage in conflict with members of the Police Department in order to create a new roleplay scene. During active roleplay scenes, police vehicles can be stolen, however this should be an absolute last resort. The police vehicle should only be kept for as long as is required to aid your escape. SAFM vehicles cannot be stolen.
  37. Government Official Corruption
    SAFM, PD, DOJ or Real Estate Agents are not allowed to be corrupt in any way without prior Admin Team approval.
  38. Fort Zancudo
    Fort Zancudo is off limits for everyday civilian use however is accessible for flight school students, Government Officers for Training Purposes and SAFM during Organ runs.
  39. Downed, Flat on Back, Unconscious, Dead
    • Downed - A player is classified as downed when they are ‘bleeding out’. They have been injured and are unable to move, but can call for EMS help, and can communicate verbally.
    • Flat on Back - A player that is flat on their back has ‘bled out’ and requires urgent medical assistance. They are no longer able to communicate verbally, but can use /me for medical roleplay reasons.
    • Unconscious - A player who has been ‘knocked out’ or is ‘unconscious’ cannot communicate verbally, and will not be aware of their surroundings. You would not be able to recall any memories of the time that you were unconscious for.
    • Dead - A player that is dead has decided to end their character's journey entirely, this is also known as a perma-death. There is no returning from a perma-death, and all actions are final. Perma-deaths should be communicated via /me commands, using tasteful and factual phrases such as “no pulse” or “heart stops”. We encourage all players who wish to take this route, to do so over a long period of time - IE, think about it very carefully first. You can remain “sick in Ward C” for a period of time before deciding to commit to a perma-death. Where possible, perma-deaths should have a high quality roleplay story behind them, and should not include emotive diseases such as cancer etc.
  40. Rival gang clothing can only be ‘stolen‘ through roleplay actions, such as theft or robbery.
    You should not purchase another gang’s clothing from the store, just because you’re able to do so mechanically.
  41. The cooldown between conflict scenarios is 2 hours.
    This is to avoid continued escalation of situations. Once the scenarios end the cool down period should be observed by the full crew/gang before taking revenge. If you are downed from a conflict, you should not rejoin the same scenario once you are back on your feet.
    • Gangs pushing a rivals home turf can push with a maximum of 16 gang members.
    • Gangs defending their home turn can defend with a maximum of 16 gang members.
    • Gang on gang conflict outside of home turf must be kept to a maximum of 4 gang members. If you happen to be in a larger group than 4 and are initiated on, you can defend yourself, but should look to go into a group of 4 as quickly as possible.
    • Gangs should follow rule 28 for any heist-related activities or conflict with PD outside of gang turf.
  42. Gang member numbers are capped to 16 members. Gangs can establish 1 location as their home turf.
  43. Torture RP is allowed, however consent must be gained to proceed.
    • Question:
      /me consent to torture?
    • Responses:
      /me consent denied
      /me consent agreed, proceed as you please
      /me consent agreed, but no loss of body parts
    • If you down a person you would like to interrogate or torture, you are able to take them to Grandma's to be revived once to allow the RP to continue. Ensure you do not keep the person longer than needed.


Pacing, Storylines and Arcs

Our drive as admins will always be to encourage community driven events, new stories and creativity in RP interactions. In the past, it was expressed to us that stepping in, even when trying to be helpful, came off as us attempting to script the RP or "box characters" which ultimately made for less organic scenarios. We will not step in unless absolutely necessary, however we would like to offer some guidance to consider when creating these scenarios and ventures for your characters.


A good story is one where you have time to experience the intensity, the laughs, the quiet and the longevity alongside other characters. Think of your favourite stories and scenarios in RP, was it all action all the time? Most likely not, the best stories give us time to soak it all in and enjoy the pay off.

Ripple Effect

Consider that your stories have ripples seen and unseen that stretch beyond what is happening right in front of you. Even seeing a scenario play out can set other characters on a new story arc. Your story can affect someone you may not have even met in RP as much as the group you RP with, for better or for worse. We shouldn't dismiss the importance of how your ripple effects affect other characters' daily lives and if it may or may not be desired. Additionally, any choices you make personally in RP directly or indirectly can enhance somebody elses' RP as well. Be mindful, keep it organic.

RP from other perspectives

Keep in mind, what you see on stream or witness in city is not the whole story most of the time. There could be layers and layers of interactions that you are not and may ever not be aware of, so please don't discount an entire story arc by a group of characters just because of what you might be seeing. The other side of the coin is, never assume that just because your story arc is very clear in your mind, that other players know how you want it to pay off. Their excitement and investment may not match yours.


Just like life, things don't always work out the way we see them happening, or hope they will. Expect the unexpected and roll with the punches. Read the room and the moments, and don't be afraid to adapt and be open to changes and new possibilities.

Ending Conflict

Conflict should not continue for evermore, there should be an end game for that story arc. It's not about who "won", it's about making stories great. Prolonged violence between the same groups gets boring for all parties involved.

Fostering Good RP

Avoid going OOC:

Things to consider:

Remember that not everyone is on the same level of RP, it's a group effort to encourage RP by giving RP.