Server Rules

This page contains all the rules that you must follow in order to roleplay in Ravenshire Frontiers. Everyone must follow these rules, there are no exceptions.

1. General Rules

1.1 - The admin and moderation team reserve the right to act on a case by case basis when completing their admin duties. The decision of the team is final.

1.2 - A clear and working microphone is essential to play in Ravenshire. All communications between characters must be kept in the city when roleplaying.

1.3 - It is mandatory for you to be a part of the discord community in order to roleplay in the county. The discord is used to allowlist members into the county after successful application, and to communicate with the community members.

1.4 - This is a place where people come to play characters. Try to remember that the things said by someone's character, doesn't directly reflect who they are as a person and usually disagreements can be resolved through a simple message. We always encourage people to continue the RP, however if something starts to become too much, contact an admin.

1.5 - Members of the community must be respectful and considerate towards each other and all members of the moderation team. All forms of bullying, harassment, trolling, racism, homophobia, religious hate, discrimination (i.e. gender, disabilities, etc) and offensive language are prohibited. This will be dealt with accordingly and based upon the severity of the case.

1.6 - Strictly NO erotic, suicide, terroism, rape, pregnancy, torture RP

1.7 - Advertising another server in any capacity is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in an immediate ban. Any negative talk towards other communities and servers will also result you in a warning or ban, depending on the severity of the situation.

1.8 - Hacking, menus, crosshairs and/or 3rd party programs designed to give you an advantage in-game over other players is not allowed under any circumstances. This will result in a ban.

1.9 - If you are banned from the community or county, you are not permitted to return under another discord account.

1.10 - The moderation team reserve the right to remove or ban anyone from the community at any time, without warning, if they feel it is necessary to do so; usually if they are found to be being disruptive or breaking rules.

1.11 - Keep everything in RP as much as possible. Everybody RPs differently. Don’t dictate how someone else should roleplay just because it wouldn't be your chosen response to the situation. If you aren't a fan of something, walk away.

1.12 - Linking to the point above, you always have the right to walk away and remove yourself from an RP situation if it is making you feel uncomfortable for whatever reason.

1.13 - You are strictly not allowed to move assets such as horses, money or items between your characters.

1.14 - No corruption is allowed for any Law Characters. This listed role holds too much power within the county and it can therefore be easily manipulated.

1.15 - You are not allowed to stop a member of the Law or Medic departments from carrying out their duties. You cannot tell the medic not to revive another player.

1.16 - Do not insert yourself into an active crime scene that you were not originally part of.

2. OOC

Going OOC or breaking character within the county is highly prohibited. The year is 1899, your character and others around you would not be aware of the sports match going on in real life. It is also strictly prohibited to use OOC conversations to distrupt someone else RP, or insert yourself into someone's conversation.

If someone is breaking character in front of you, and it is ruining the immersion for you, try and resolve the situation within the RP, by trying to stear the conversation in a different direction, or act dumb about the topic they are discussing. As always, you always have the option to remove yourself from the situation.

If someone is repeatedly breaking character and disrupting your RP, feel free to reach out to an admin.

3. Characters

All your characters need to be kept separate from one another. Items and information should not be exchanged between them, as this will be classed as Meta-gaming.

Perma-death is strictly prohibited. If you feel the need to retire a character, please speak to an admin, where can advise the best course of action.

Your character name must be realistic, not offensive, vulgar or racist. Your character name will be vetted by the admin team when you apply, but for alternative characters, if you are found to have an inappropriate name, you will be given 1 chance to change it, and if you fail to comply, you can be banned from the county.

4. Metagaming

You are not permitted to use information obtained via other sources e.g. discord, streams etc.

Using this information to gain advantage on your character will result in a county ban.

Cross-referencing information between characters to benefit each other is not allowed.

You can not identify by voice alone. If someone is wearing a mask, you should not be able to tell who they are.

5. Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM)

Attacking/Downing another player using a vehicle (horse or cart) without any prior roleplay/story building up to it.

You are allowed to defend yourself with a vehicle.

6. Random Deathmatch (RDM)

Attacking/Downing another player without any prior roleplay/story building up to it.

If the story has built up previously/at an earlier time, then a small intitiation via verbal communication should be used before an attack is made.

7. Not Valuing Life (NVL)

Not fearing for your character's life when they are in danger e.g. held at gun point.

If you are outnumbered, do not try and be the hero, you must surrender.

NVL also includes not fearing injury, such as jumping from a high roof top, and not fearing breaking your legs.

8. New Life Rule

If you have been revived by an medic/NPC-Doc, your character is allowed to keep their memories

If you have been revived by the Local Doctor/Respawn, then you are not allowed to retain the memories leading up to the event and your character must be clueless as to what has happened to them.

Dumping - Dumping a body in the ocean or a body of water, or any other place where the medic wouldn't be able to rescue the person, is only to be used in Gang Wars or if there is an on going situation between two characters.

Dumping someone you have just met and had a slight disagreement with is not allowed under any circumstance.

An ocean dump should be a way to bring a big end to a storyline. It has to be the final moment and the rivalary should cease there.

Killing - You cannot force someone to retire their character, this would be classed as PowerGaming.

9. Combat Logging

Quitting the game e.g. Combat logging, to avoid an intereaction or losing your items/money is strictly not allowed. This could result in a ban if it occurs; situation dependant.

If a combat log occurs for any reason, you must choose your 'last location' as your respawn point, to continue the RP.

10. Hostages & Crime Numbers

As the county (hopefully) grows, and more crime occurs on a regular basis, this section will be updated accordingly to note how many crew members are allowed to take part in certain types of robberies and crime.

You can keep a hostage as long as you need to, for the purpose of the job that you are completing. Ensure you are not keeping them for any longer than necessary.

Taking a hostage should be a serious situation, a gun must be pointed at the hostage for the whole duration and the hostage should fear for their life.


Allowlisted - Someone who has had their application to the server accepted and are on the list of people who have access to the county

FailRP - Due to the nature of the game Red Dead Redemption 2, sometimes something that wouldn't be possible in real life, and is unrealistic, may be possible within the realms of the game. Examples of this would be riding a horse up a steep mountain at a full gallop or dropping something out of your inventory/pockets whilst you were in handcuffs

VDM - Vehicle Death Match, is using a vehicle to try and down, or successfully downing another player without prior interaction or RP reasoning

RDM - Random Death Match, is trying to down or successfully downing another player

NVL - Not Valuing Life, is where you do not treat your characters life with any value, and do not fear injury or death. An example of this would be jumping or riding your horse off a high building, without worrying about the consquences of the injuries that could occur

IC - In Character, keeping to your characters and only using words and topics that is suitable to the character that you have created

OOC - Out of Character, breaking character and talking about out of county topics and conversations, ruining the immersion for other players

Storm - When the server has a restart (set times each day), to refresh all the resources and clear up abandoned items and carts etc. RP must continue as normal right up to a storm and afterwards

Combat Logging - When someone quits out of the server to avoid a certain situaton, such as getting caught by a cop, or losing items from your pockets

Meta-Gaming - Using information that hasn't been obtained by your character in-county. Using info from places such as Discord, Streams or other forms of communication, that your character hasn't learnt themselves, to give your character an advantage

NLR - New Life Rule, is making sure your character holds the correct memories after being downed. This depends on how your character is revived

Power Gaming - Similar to FailRP, it is abusing the game mechanics to give yourself an advantage, such as cuffing a criminal

Griefing - Constantly harrassing and bothering another player in the city, especially when that person is uncomfortable with the RP

Spawn Killing - Purposefully camping/waiting at certain point in the city for people to respawn or spawn in, so you can down their character

Locals/Citizens/Townsfolk - The peds around the city that create the atmosphere. Their lives are to be respected as any other. Constant killing or beating up of PEDs will result in a warning