Two worlds, One community

Ravenshire Frontiers and Raven City join forces to forge The RP Collective

About The RP Collective

Essential information about TRC!

How will applications work?

Applicants will apply for RP and if successful will be granted access to both GTARP and RDRP. This will be a streamlined application process.

When will CGHRP close?

The CGHRP Discord will be closing soon with only the announcement board visible. All socials has be rebranded.

Will memories be retained?

For the new server, memories will be retained and storylines can be continued where it makes sense. This can be a good opportunity to squash beefs and start fresh on your existing character, or someone completely new!

What will be the time period?

The new server will launch as "present day" and CGH will be considered 5 years in the past, there will be a small time gap between both servers. We have chosen to keep the new server present day to avoid confusion and awkwardness in RP.

When will Raven City launch?

We are looking to launch in May 2024, more communication will be provided as we get closer.